Friday, March 18, 2011

weighing in

Rolli and Vivian had their one year wellness check yesterday.  
They are THRIVING!  
Rollin Von weighs 19lbs 4oz and is 29" tall.
He enjoys clapping, begging for food, going to play group with Daddy, reading books, sticking his tongue out in deep concentration, and sleeping.

Vivian Mae weighs 18lbs 13oz and is 28 1/4" tall.
She enjoys piggy back rides, playing with Daddy, reading books, pushing her brothers buttons, laundry, snuggling with Hugs, and surfing in her doll cradle.

*thanks to Sara Pipkin for the pictures!

1 comment:

  1. So cute!!! They each have their own little personality......yes, Vivian loves to push Rollins buttons.....they are just so fun and happy!!! love and miss you all ♥
