Monday, October 29, 2012

Woodland Park Zoo

Thanks to Grammie Kathy for treating us all to a trip to the Woodland Park Zoo!

*You will notice that most of the pictures are of the back of the kids heads.
They where too busy looking at the animals
and splashing in rain puddles to look at the camera.*

It was a typical rainy Seattle day.
But with "tents" in hand the kids where ready for a Zoo Adventure!
(Vivian kept calling the umbrellas "tents")

Rolli riding the Komodo Dragon with his body guard on umbrella duty.

Vivian watching the Komodo Dragon loose interest in his Halloween pumpkin.

Vivian and Miles checking out the backside of this large Tapir.


This Asian Elephant was getting a bath.
Vivian, Miles and Rolli watched the bathing until he was all rinsed and walked back outside.
It was so funny to listen to their little comments and questions all around the zoo :)

These 3 little cousins can make some pretty good monkey noises.

Two lucky Orargutans where picking through their Halloween treat bag.

Miss Mae adventuring through the meekat exhibit.

Or as Vivian called them "babies!"

Miles watching a happy Sloth digging worms out of his Halloween pumpkin.

Vivian looking out towards the lions in the distance.

We LOVED the giraffes!

These silly guys where hard to see but they seemed to be full of a personality all their own.

Vivian and Rolli checking out this Hippopotamus in a puddle.

Gorillas where so fun for the kids to watch!

This Gorilla walked right up to the glass in front of our 3 adventures.
Then he rolled over and put his foot up.
"Tickle, tickle."

Flamingos being flamingos.

"Quack, quack."
Just a few of the ducks we saw at the zoo.
But I think these ones where actually an exhibit and not just free loading on their way south.

This last picture looks like one happy Elk, an unsure raccoon 
and Miles finally able to be his "Wolf pack."

Lots of fun and we only saw half of the zoo!
Guess that means we'll have to go again ;)

Friday, October 19, 2012

gardening this and that

I just wanted to share a few random pictures from our backyard garden this summer.
Rolli found and picked one of the few ears of corn that really had to struggle to even grow.

And of course he ate it!

Vivian found and picked the one other ear of corn.

Vivian hiding in the bean tepee, early summer.

Vivian + Sunshine + Garden = a happy, healthy Heart

Rolli playing in the bean tepee this fall.

I spy Rolli.

Rolli (hiden inside the tepee) and Vivian snacking on black beans.

Vivian next to the sun flowers that her and Rolli planted from seed.

This little forager found the grapes all on his own!

Fall harvest!

Rolli and Vivian with the butternut squash and eggplant that we grew.

Our garden really struggled this year.
But I'm thankful for the time we spent in it, the lessons learned, the endless exploring
 and the meager harvest that was collected.
We are looking forward to next summer with our mini farmers!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Mr. Grasshopper

Meeting Mr. Grasshopper.
Affectionately called "Mr. Hopper".
We found this little guy in the bean tepee.

Obviously he was a BIG hit!!
Rolli and Vivian where so excited!
They loved the way he JUMPED so high and fast.
And he tickled their hands when they held him.

Watch this little clip.
Too much fun for our little backyard!

Bella was excited about our new friend too!
But I think she wanted to eat him :/

Mr. Hopper and Rolli.
Rolli really did like having Mr. Hopper as a friend.
He was so proud to have the grasshopper on his shoulder!

Mr. Hopper and Vivian.
Vivian liked the grasshopper until his "sticky fingers" wouldn't let go of her pants.
Then we had to make peace by setting Mr. Hopper free in the sunflowers.

It was nice to meet you Mr. Hopper!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Lunch = Helicopters

Rolli and Vivian L-O-V-E taking lunch to Daddy!
... and this is why ...
Daddy works with helicopters!
Rolli wearing his Daddy's flight helmet.

Vivian ready to fly in the helicopter too!

Marshall taking us out to see "Daddy's helicopters".
Some day the kids might realize that the helicopters aren't exactly Daddy's, 
but even then I'm sure we will refer to the Rapps contracted helicopters as "Daddy's".

We just traded lunch for helicopter tours.

Marshall and his little ones.

What kid wouldn't want a REAL helicopter to play with?!

Is somebody getting in the pilot's set?

oh dear.

"Ready Mom?"

Pilot Rolli!
Pilot Vivian!

We should be taking Daddy lunch more often
That was a ton of fun!

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Another Saturday, another hike!

We just can't stop hiking!
One of our (mine) favorite hikes.
Sauer's Mountain.

Stacia, Vivian and Bella at the view point.
I love the clouds and the smell of fall.

Mr. Rolli "Big Guy" with his find.

Vivian and Stacia enjoying the fall hike.

Rolli stopping to look at the yellow fall leafs.
Bella being Bella... up and down the trail chasing after sounds and smells.

The twins with Mr. Sauer's Eagle.
October 2012.

Me and the twins with Mr. Sauer's Eagle
June 2011.

Wow!  Seems like we've just hiked the last year or so away!

But not really when you compare us to 
Stacia who actually did hike the last 4 1/2 months straight!
Stacia, Thanks for joining us for yet another hike today!