Friday, January 28, 2011


I've been taking the babies to work with me for 6 months now.  (in case you haven't heard... I'm an in home caregiver)  Rolli and Vivian always seem to brighten Blake's day.  And they soak up all the attention he gives them.  I'm just thankful that I'm able to make a little money and not have to worry about childcare.   
Rolli and Blake

Blake and Vivian

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

books and movies

A few pictures of our sweet, cuddly baby twins.  They love to get into their pajamas and listen to a story or watch a movie.  Special snuggle time for us :)
Story time with Daddy.  One of our favorite books:  Brown Bear

Story time with Mommy.  Another good book:  Friend Dog

Movie time while Mommy and Daddy enjoy a quiet dinner.

Relaxing (after a 12 hour shift) with the babies.  I love coming home at the end of a long day and snuggling with my favorite two kids.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

baby tricks!

Rolli and Vivian have a few new baby tricks.
the 'Flying Bear'  
Daddy and Vivian

Vivian has started to climb.  Great.  She takes a few steps every-now-and-then too.  But walking seems to make her really nervous.  Climbing.  Doesn't make her nervous at all.  I know.  It makes me worry.  Especially when she is climbing on something with wheels.
"if your happy and you know it clap your hands!"

Yep.  Rolli is happy!

We've been taking some video lately too.  I'll post them later when I have time (ha)

Thursday, January 13, 2011

it's COld outside!

It snowed several inches last night and this morning!  And it is cold!  The other day before it snowed we went for a quick, refreshing walk around the neighborhood.  We all bundled up and enjoyed the sunshine.
Vivian and Rolli ready to head out into the cold.

Marshall, Bella, and the twins.

Blankets for a little extra warmth.

Friday, January 7, 2011

silly Grandpa!

The twins wanted to wish Grandpa Roger 'Happy Birthday!' so we took them to Leavenworth for a visit.  They sure had fun!  Cousin Miles was there too.  Rolli and Vivian love playing at that sliding glass door.  It was fun when the dogs were on the other side.... but now Grandpa!  Whoa, exciting!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

kitty door

Rolli and Viv have been watching Syvlia disappear through the door for a while now.  (With a little encouraging from Mom and Dad) They've discovered the secrets of the kitty door.  If Marshall and I are on the other side doing laundry or something the babies crawl over and peek through the kitty door.  It's really exciting when Bella is on the other side sticking her nose through and licking their hands.  Great fun!  They are just so silly!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


The babies and I made a post-Christmas Christmas trip to Yakima.  We had lots of fun with Grandma and Grandpa!  My favorite part of our visit was nap time!
Vivian and Grandma Debie 
Grandpa Rollin making Miss Vivian laugh. 
Cutie-pah-Tootie Vivian 
Rolli snuggled with Grandma, ready for bed.

 Grandpa Rollin replaced the batteries in the babies' toy!  As soon as Vivian and Rolli heard the sounds it could make they were so ExCited!  Thanks Grandpa!
Rolli having fun with the newly functioning battery operated toy!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year! and holiday treats!

Happy New Year!  (sheesh, it's already the 3rd)  Vivian helped us ring in the New Year by deciding that she was no longer going to sleep through the night.  And believe me she can wail!
I had planned on going to bed early and greeting the New Year well rested.  The babies were on board until we let Vivian hang without a diaper.  Yep.  She pooped.  On the floor.  It gets worse.  She then grabbed two fist fulls of poo and shoved it in her mouth.  Marshall was in the room with her and had only turned his back for a second.  Seriously.  By the time I got in the room Vivian had the worst look on her face :(  Marshall cleaned up the floor and I took Vivian to the tub.  "Don't panic if it's Organic!"
That little scenario delayed my bedtime.  Enough of this New Year business.  Back to Christmas stuff.

  After getting a taste of holiday treats Rolli and Vivian want more!
I was doing some baking the other day and both baby hovered around the oven.  Yum!