Wednesday, August 4, 2010

around the world!

All from the comfort of home!

Our friends gave us this 'around the world' discovery center just before the babies were born.  Since then I've been excited for the babies to use it.  And now that they are 4.5 months and about 12 pounds I asked Marshall to bring it out.

I know.  It says "4m-25lbs".  The twins are half that weight.  But, like I said I was excited. 
 So, Marshall put the activity center together (thanks!) and I put Rolli in it.  Here is the result...

He is too short :(  And it's already on the lowest setting.  Bummer!

But that didn't stop us!

one couch pillow = problem solved  

Wow!  This thing is cool!

And in case you are thinking we need two... Your wrong.  Vivian is just happy watching Rolli.  
(for now at least)


  1. Hannah, this is so adorable! We had one of those when Rachel was a baby, very handy. Especially useful to keep little sister out of the way when big sister is playing! So proud to be one of the aunts!

  2. Oh, those things are lifesavers! Both my kids spent lots of time in those! ADORABLE pictures!
