Tuesday, August 23, 2011

and corn!

It's summer and it's time for
I showed Rolli and Vivian how to pick the corn from the garden.
Of course they had to try it :)
Doing her best to figure out this corn stuff.

He liked the corn... I'm not sure what this look is for.

Bella loves hanging out in the cool garden on warm summer evenings.

Rolli and Vivian.
Once again they are being silly twins!

Daddy, Rolli, and Vivian snacking on the corn.

Marshall is trying to show Vivian the traditional way to eat corn-on-the-cob.
Vivian just wants to share... his not hers.

Rolli and Mommy.
My favorite place to be.

Rolli wanted a bite of the first ripe melon.
He wasn't successful. 
We brought the melon inside, cut it up, and scarfed it down!
Deliciously sweet!

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