Happy Valentine's Day!!! Myself plus my four Valentines walked down to the OWL Soda Fountain last friday for fresh air, sunshine, a sweet treat, and time together. Vivian screamed for ice cream the whole way there and Rolli was his usual ice cream cool self.
Marshall, Rolli, and Bella. Taking a break on the way.
Huckleberry ice cream! Just for the babies!
Marshall and I each had a treat of our own too :)
Miss busy, can't even sit still to eat ice cream.
Notice the little red cheek... she was playing around and hit it on one of the chairs.
Rolli quietly sat on my lap and ate the ice cream...Vivian, acting like her usual gerbil self.
Look closely and you can see Bella tied to the tree outside. She watched us the whole time. And we didn't even get her a treat... just fresh air and exercise.
so cool!
The babies had lots of fun exploring around the Soda Fountain and gift shop.
I think that Rolli liked the barstools better than the ice cream.
Vivan liked the barstools too.
Looks like such a fun day!!!!