Thursday, February 24, 2011

Hugs and Ralph!

At almost a year I feel the babies are old enough to be sleeping with their stuffed animals.  They just love to snuggle and I love to see them all cuddled up at nap time.  Precious little sleepers.
Vivian using Hugs like a pillow.

Sound asleep.

Yea for nap time!

Sweet little baby boy and Ralph.
Marshall bought Ralph after our first ultrasound when we first saw two little embryos.

Such a snuggler.

Taking an extra nap when he had the sniffles.  

Sunday, February 13, 2011

my Valentines

Happy Valentine's Day!!! Myself plus my four Valentines walked down to the OWL Soda Fountain last friday for fresh air, sunshine, a sweet treat, and time together.  Vivian screamed for ice cream the whole way there and Rolli was his usual ice cream cool self.    
Marshall, Rolli, and Bella.  Taking a break on the way.

 Huckleberry ice cream!  Just for the babies!
Marshall and I each had a treat of our own too :)

Miss busy, can't even sit still to eat ice cream.  
Notice the little red cheek... she was playing around and hit it on one of the chairs.

Rolli quietly sat on my lap and ate the ice cream...Vivian, acting like her usual gerbil self.

Look closely and you can see Bella tied to the tree outside.  She watched us the whole time.  And we didn't even get her a treat... just fresh air and exercise.

so cool!
The babies had lots of fun exploring around the Soda Fountain and gift shop.  

I think that Rolli liked the barstools better than the ice cream.

Vivan liked the barstools too.

Friday, February 11, 2011

red bread

We've been enjoying our Valentine's holiday spirit around here.  All of us went down to the OWL Soda Fountain today for a Valentine treat (check back on Monday for pictures).  The babies received some cards and goodies in the mail.  I baked some festive red bread.  Pureed beets gave the bread it's color.  Yum!  
Isn't that just a lovely shade of red?

It lost most of the color after baking.  But it sure tasted good!
Add some turkey, provolone, spinach, and dijon mustard for a savory dinner.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Baby Shoes by Marshall

Marshall has been busy making baby shoes! (in addition to all the other duties of fatherhood).  A while back I called the local furniture store to see if they had any fabric samples that had been discontinued.  Sure enough.  They had tones of samples that were just going to be tossed.  And all this leather too!  I can't believe it was going to be thrown away.  Of course we brought all of it home.  Marshall found some free patterns on the internet.  Then he customized the style a bit.  All for free!  Check out the pictures below.  I'm sure you'll be impressed.  I was!  
the first pair!  They fit Rolli perfect.  
No more cold feet and lots of traction on our hardwood floors.

love the lining!

cute, girly shoes for Vivian

the flowers make me smile :)

Rolli's second pair of shoes by Daddy


the most recent shoe for Vivian

he gets better with each shoe!

geez! I'm so proud of my husband!