Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas Eve!

The twins first Christmas started on Christmas Eve.  We went to Great Pa and Ma Dennis' home in Dryden for the family gathering.  Most of Marshall's family was there!  The family has grown so much lately.  There were plenty of cousins, aunts, uncles, grandmas, and grandpas for the babies to smooze on.  
Rolli and Vivian opening their presents.

"ya! this looks fun!"

cousins Miles, Anelise, and Vivian playing with one of the new toys.
Anelise is giving Vivian a 'look'.  It was funny to watch those two eat and play next to each other.

Two exhausted and hunger babies are being fed by their Grammie Kathy and Aunt Janice.


  1. Oh! Looks like you all had such fun!!!

  2. what a precious moment!! Loved my snuggle time!! Auntie Janice loves those sweet babies!
