Monday, December 13, 2010

9 months!

yep... Rolli V and Vivian Mae have entered the 9th month of their lives.  It feels like I'm the mother of 9 month old twins... and it sure is fun!

Rolli and Vivian.  Always (almost) having fun!

Rollin Von
16 lbs 9 oz
28 inches tall
loves to wrestle, drool, talk, push anything that will move, and ride on Daddy's shoulders.

Vivian Mae
16 lbs 6 oz
27 3/8 inches tall
loves to snuggle, take bathes, follow the cat, explore, and play with Mommy's shoes.
this is what most of the pictures I take look like.  Marshall trying to get the babies' attention with Duck and both babies doing their own thing.

 picture time is fun time!
family picture
(taken at Lindsey's house after Thanksgiving)


  1. Cute photos! What a fantastic family photo! I can't believe you all are looking at the photo! no matter how hard I try, I can't get that to work! haha!

  2. Oh Hannah!!!!! Those sweaters you made are so cute !!!! I am impressed! Where did you find the time between twins and school and work??? They are both so beautiful....just want to kisskiss those cute little their eyes, they say so much!!!!! ♥X♥X
