We waited to Friday morning to carve our Halloween pumpkins.
Rolli was super excited to have Daddy help him with his "biggest" pumpkin.
Vivian couldn't keep her hands out of all of the pumpkin goop.
And Colter had fun tasting and hitting anything he could gets his hands on.
Rolli supervising Daddy's carving skills.
Colter doing his thing and figuring stuffs out.
Bat pumpkin!
Pumpkins carved!
Costumes on!
Ready for Trick-o-Treating!
Daddy and Colter.
My fav Halloween crowd!
Viv was a Lady Bug, again (by her choice)
Rolli Spider Man, again (by his choice)
Colter a dinosaur.
First stop was Del's house!
I can't stand how cute this lil' dinosaur was!
Colter was all about the trick-o-treating too :)
After making the rounds in our neighborhood we went to a friends party
and joined a big group of kids trick-o-treating.
Rolli and Viv where a little slow to warm up to the crowd...
but once they did it was game on!
It was so fun to watch our cute Lady Bug chasing after the other kids from house to house.
And Rolli held his own running from door-to-door with the other boys.
On our way home Rolli said,
"Mom, when you where telling me to stop running
I couldn't listen to you because I had to keep running with those other boys."
Well, he's honest and that tells me that he did hear me.
When we got home Viv had to try on all of her princess costumes
like the other girls where wearing and parade around a bit.
And Colter fell fast asleep...til 0230.
Any beats on what the kids dress up as for next year?!
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