Friday, October 17, 2014

Vivian's first ballet

Me and Vivian went on a date to the Cinderella Ballet!
Wearing our prettiest dresses for the evening!
Viv was most excited about what we where going to wear :)
I love this girl!

Sitting in the 3rd row and ready for the ballet to start!!
For the first act Vivian sat perfectly still and didn't miss a dance move.
During the second act she got a little wiggly and we skipped out on the 3rd act.

Intermission may have been my favorite part.
Only because Vivian couldn't help but dance like a ballerina!

Good times with my mini :)

1 comment:

  1. Your little MINI me is so cute!!! Grandma just might have to buy her a ballerina dress & WHITE tights!!!
