Vivian and Rolli.
We met Granpie Rog at the Leavenworth Fish Hatchery today for kids fishing!
Before they could fish the kids had to go through 3 stations to learn about
boat safety, fishing knots and fish.
Granpie Rog practicing the fishing knot with the twins.
Honestly, the stations where kinda tedious and more appropriate for older kids.
We just wanted to fish!
Vivian with her hook baited and ready for a fish!
Our fisherman Rolli waiting for a bite!
Vivian caught the first fish!
And it was a wild one!
Got away from me a couple of times.
Of course Viv didn't want to touch it so me and ColT had to do the dirty work.
Rolli's fish took a little longer to bite but he caught it!
This man sure held on tight to his fish!
When we got home Vivian (and Rolli) helped me clean and gut the trout.
I gave them my best fish anatomy lesson that I could.
We found the heart, lungs and intestines.
And Viv was all about touching everything now.
Then guess what was for dinner?!
Rolli and Viv each got one whole trout on their plates.
Rolli eat half and Viv said there where too many bones.
Now we are off to camping out in the back yard!
How FUN! Cute pictures too!