During our bed time story last week Rolli said,
"Mom! I have an idea! We haven't ridden in a helicopter yet!"
No Rollin, no you have not...
and you're not going to anytime soon.
But we sure can go tour some cool helicopters!
Daddy and his fan club surveying the helicopter fleet stationed on the tarmac.
Watching a helicopter take off to recon the fire.
Marshall, Rolli and Vivian.
Ready for take off!
Rolli, son, this is closer to a helicopter ride than most kids can even dream about.
We'd be in for a crazy flight with that grin up front.
The Chinook was busy doing bucket work for the Colockum-Tarps fire.
Giving Daddy "Hugs and Fishes" before he loads up to spot proficiency rappels.
Sweet helicopter dreams little ones.
So sweet... Rollin is a thinker!!! They are both so cute!