Friday, January 4, 2013

Hawaii or bust!!

We L-O-V-E-D Hawaii!!

And now I would love to share some of our favorite pictures from our trip :)

Rolli and Vivian watching the airplanes as we waited to board in Seattle.
They were excited, impatient and hungry...
And I'm pretty sure that our fellow passengers were silently praying for peace.

Daddy and Rolli coloring.
Don't be fooled.
This quiet scene only lasted 30 minutes of the 6 hour flight.

Vivian relaxing while enjoying her 10th snack during our oversea flight.
If you look close enough you'll notice the orange and purple stamps all over that cute leg.
Me and Viv sat next to the nicest, most patient and kind women ever.
I hope that lady got a gold star for Christmas.

The plane landed!!!!
Grandma Jean and Grandpa Bob met us with sweet Hawaiian leis
and we made a bee line for our rental vehicle.

I told these crazy kids to show me their
"Happy to be in Hawaii" faces.
They nailed it ;)

Aloha Hawaii.
Driving from the airport to Kona.

The four of us fresh off the plane cruzin' in an Hawaiian style jeep.

Our first view from the condo lanai.
Palm trees always make me smile, even on a cloudy day :)

Hawaii greeted us with the perfect weather for sleeping.

Exhausted after a long day traveling to our new favorite vacation spot.

Sweet dreams Hawaii, we love you already!

More pictures to come....

1 comment:

  1. I want to go with you sometime!!!!! Love the pictures...can't wait to see more!
