Rolli and Vivian have been talking about helicopters.
Daddy's helicopters in particular.
Probably because I've been telling them what Daddy does for work...
then we watch YouTube videos on helicopters...
and race around the yard like helicopters.
That's a whole-lotta helicopter activity!
It was time to visit Daddy at work and tour the helicopters.
We packed some popsicles to share and drove all the way to the Chelan airport.
"Mom! Daddy's big helicopter!"
Rolli and Vivian checking out the crew area.
Buckled in and ready for a flight!
"Bye Mom!"
This kid really was ready for a flight.
"Up in the sky."
The kids got to watch this helicopter spool up and take off.
"Bye helicopter."
Rolli and Daddy in front of the Bell 206L-3 Long Ranger.
The smoke from the fire is behind the helicopter in the distance.
Rolli had to sneak in a hug from Daddy.
Vivian and Mommy.
The next morning Rolli came out of our room wearing my boots and said
"work Daddy big fire pit."
"I'm going to work with Daddy on the fire."
Sheesh! These kids love their Daddy!
Cool pictures! So happy they got to see their daddy ♥