Sunday, March 11, 2012

Pudding Finger Painting Party!

Happy Birthday Rollin Von!
Happy Birthday Vivian Mae!
one - to - TWO!
We celebrated the twins' 2nd birthday 
(and our 2nd year as parents)
with a 'Pudding Finger Painting Party'!
The finger painting table.... 
errh, the finger licking table!
There was a whole lot more eating than painting going on ;) 

Nice work Rolli!

Just beautiful Vivian!

Birthday artwork on display!

"Happy Birthday!"

All of this pudding finger painting wasn't as messy as I had anticipated.
It's because the kids were careful to get the pudding in their mouths instead of on the floor ;)
But Holy left-over pudding!
Now there is an embarrassingly large quantity of pudding in our refrigerator. 
Pudding anyone?!

Thank you to everyone who joined in the fun!
...and thanks to everyone who sent Birthday wishes our way!

This is what I woke up to this morning.
"Happy Birthday" indeed!

PS:  does anyone have pictures from the party that they'd like to share?

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