Saturday, September 10, 2011

Barn in the USA

"The only Fair is in the fall."
Well guess what?!
It's Fair time!!
Rolli, Vivian and myself got into the Chelan County Fair for only $8!
(and we parked on the side of the road for FREE!)
1 1/2 seems to be the perfect age for economical family fun.
The kids are old enough to enjoy the fair activities but young enough to get in free.
That sounds fair to me!

(disclaimer:  it's really difficult to take pictures of a couple busy toddlers in a very public crowded place when I'm trying to keep them close to me and avoid any potential kidnappings, since I'm convinced that they're so stinkin' cute that everyone  wants to take them home.  So enjoy the pictures for what they are!)
Me, Vivian, and Rolli sweatin' in all the heat and activity.
We saw Michelle at the fair and she snapped this picture of us :)

The first thing we checked out were the rapture birds.
Totally amazing!
All the birds were really BIG, rescued and rehabilitated.
The gorgeous Bald Eagle getting a little cool down.

A hawk showing off for the crowd.

Rolli and Vivian looking at the pigs.

In the chicken area this very nice, polite young boy told us all about his beautiful show chickens.
He had a white one named Cloud Puff and a brown one named Alex that lays "really small cute eggs".
This kid even took each of his chickens out and let Rolli and Vivian pet them!

The proud chicken owner!
Congratulations on the blue ribbons and thanks for being so kind!

Rolli trying to feed the rabbits.
The kids got a kick out of seeing the bunnies hop around in their cages.

"Maaa."  Rolli meeting the goat.

This goat lost interest in us pretty quick. 
Vivian thought it was the perfect opportunity to wave good-bye.

The three of us must have been a site to see ourselves.
Vivian strapped to my front in all the heat, Rolli in a shotty stroller 
and me making animals sounds all over the fair grounds.
Both kids did a lot of jabbering about the animals.


and Cows!

We walked around the carnival rides.  
Rolli was just along for the stroll 
but Vivian was screamin' and dancin' to all the fun sites and sounds.
After snacking on a little bite of fair food (which the kids weren't interested in)
we went to check out the wild animal show.
They had all sorts of reptiles, wolfs, and big cats!

Ssssss!  Snakes!

This was kinda cool and Rolli and Vivian were totally taking it all in.
But we didn't stay for the whole show because it was so HOT and the animals were kept in these rubbermaid containers.  It made me feel bad.  I couldn't watch.

And that's it until next year!

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