Mmmm, cherries! A little late this year but still 'oh so delicious!
Jeannie let us know about a cherry orchard that we could help ourselves to.
Thanks for sharing the wealth!
Marshall, me, Rolli, and Vivian grabbed a ladder and went cherry picking.
sun-ripened, tree fresh cherries.
All of the lower limbs were already picked over so we had to use the ladder.
It is so nice of the owners to let random people harvest the cherries instead of just letting all that fruit going to waste. Thank you!
Vivian found the treasure.
Rolli is in on the loot now too.
Somebody has obviously been sneaking cherries.
"who told you I've been eating cherries?"
Even though he nearly shoves his whole hand in his mouth he still misses.
Cherry slaughter.
"Hi Dad! Need some help?"
"hmm? I'm pretty sure we could climb up and help."
Insta orchardist in their overall carhartts.
two toddlers + one cherry orchard = fun! (and happiness for Mommy)
little Big kid helper.
break time.
One picker and four mouths... we still got 6 grocery bags of bing cherries!
That's a whole lota fruit!
So fun! We're excited to come cherry picking too!! Just a few weeks away!!