I love that we only live a block away from Washington Park! When my parents came for a last minute visit Sunday we headed to the park for some spring time fun in the sun!
and they're off!
"Rolli wait for me!"
"hmmm, what is this something?"
"I know. I couldn't be cuter."
Rolli and Vivian
The cutest babies at the park enjoying the vibrant spring green grass.
Typical. Two different directions!
Grandpa, Rolli, Vivian, and Grandma
Rolli says, "GraaandPA you are FUNNY!"
Vivian says, "oh Grandma, I like your necklace. I'm going to rip it off you neck. Please?"
"I want to swing too!"
(if you scroll down really fast for the next pictures it's almost like an action shot)
Too much fun!
We had so much fun Sunday!!!! It was a beaUtiful day and the babies were the cutest ever anywhere in Wenatchee ♥♥ The swing was so fun for all of us!!! Vivian never did actually "get" my necklace, but she sure tried every chance she got! Note to self: Don't wear earrings or necklaces when with the twins!!! If I could see them well enough, no glasses either!!! LOVElovelove you all ♥♥