Saturday, July 28, 2012

breakfast "pops"

*excuse the blurry pictures.  Not only is our camera lens scratched but it is now basically out of service.*
A new camera is definitely at the top of my shopping list!

Rolli and Vivian are straight-up TWO.
There is nothing worse than starting the morning with two 2-years-olds who know what they want for breakfast and are half-way into the freezer after it.
"Moaaam, pop"
Why did I every introduce popsicles?!
"No.  You may not have a popsicle for breakfast."
...then the tantrum ensues. 

Problem solved!
I purchased 8 super cute popsicle molds.
Then I blend up a yummy mixture of fruit, yogurt, coconut water 
and maybe even a few carrots with fresh ginger and local honey.
Fill the molds, freeze overnight.

In the morning Rolli can help himself to a 'pop' or even two.
No tantrum necessary.
Aaaaahh, now that is the kind of morning I like.

Miss Morning-Sunshine-Bed-Head is agreeable to the popsicle arrangement too :)

A good healthy breakfast cancels out the guilt of a frozen, processed dinner.
Like this one...

Clearly, this corn dog eaten' kid had a good day.

"Bite, Mom.  Bite?"

Now I know what's for breakfast!
But what's for dinner tonight?...

Saturday, July 21, 2012

The fish are "running"!

Record numbers of fish have been passing through the ladder at Rocky Reach lately.
Just about '0' fish where swimming the last couple of times we've been their.
Today their where lots of "BIG" fish!
Daddy, Rolli and Vivian watching the fish run.


I think we watched the fish for about 10 minutes.
Then the wild two lost interest.

Diva and Mommy.

 Yes, they are with us.

Checking out the high water.

Beautiful day at the Dam!



All that fish watching sure made for a couple of hunger kids.

Free, Cool and Fun!
Rocky Reach might just be our new hang-out.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Fishing and a HUGE reunion

Last weekend we went North to Palmer Lake for the Caryl Family Reunion.
O-M-(times some many people)-Goodness!
I can't believe how much fun it was.
I'm so glad that I was able to be there for at least a couple of nights.
And I'm so thankful that my parents and sisters where willing to keep my kids at the reunion while I worked.  Rolli and Vivian had so much fun with ALL of their cousins!

For a couple of months now Rolli has been pointing out every single "BIG Boat!" that we saw.
Finally Grandpa Rollin was able to take Rolli, Vivian and me fishing in  his "BIG Boat!"
Grandma and Grandpa walking Rolli and Vivian out the dock.

The Captain is ready.

Rolli's first boat ride with Grandpa!

Miss Mae and me catching the wind at the bow.

On our way to the fishin' spot.

Helping Grandpa fish.

We caught one!
I love the way that Vivian is looking at Grandpa in this picture :)

We put the fish over the side of the boat to keep it fresh.
Vivian kept looking over and yelling "Mom!  A fish!!"

Sailor Rolli at the lookout.

Fish on!

Grandpa sharing his knowledge about fish with Rolli.

They wouldn't touch it.

These two :)
Rolli loves his Grandpa!

I just love my family (all of them)!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

It must be summer...

...and just like that...
Summer is in FULL force!
"holy moly kind kitties!" was it a hot weekend!
Rolli, Viv and me spent it the best way possible.
We drove to Yakima and met up with Grandma & Grandpa and all the cousins :)
Rolli absolutely loved the "big boat".
Cousin Hannah made him laugh and laugh as she dove under the water and splashed around.

Miss Sunshine Mae relaxing poolside.  


Temperatures where record breaking on Sunday.
And we sure could feel it!
Our family pictures where at 7pm, I was hoping it would have cooled off by then.
Oh', no!
That was the sweatiest, muggiest, mosquito-ie family photo shoot every.
 Of course there's nothing like a stop for frozen yogurt to put a smile back on our faces.
The 'Big kids' table.

The 'little kids' table.
Don't ask how Rolli got two spoons.
Vivian and Madison sure do watch each other.

All of the kids got to pick out their own toppings!
Until Rolli and Caleb decided that ALL the toppings together wasn't so yummy.

Monday was just as hot.
Before the breakfast dishes where even cleaned up all the kids where out the door.

Caleb testing my Super Bubbles that turned out to be less than Super.

Vivian and Madison.
9am, playing with bubbles and eating popsicles.
That says summer all over it.

Now I can hardly wait till the Caryl Family Reunion this weekend!!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Backyard fireworks

I had forgotten how MUCH FUN fireworks are!!
...AND to add to the fun Daddy was home!!!
This was the first year since the twins were conceived that we bought our own fireworks.
First we introduced Vivian and Rolli to the quiet charcoal snakes in the fire pit.
Not much to these little fireworks but they loved 'em.

Amy and Michelle joined us for our little 4th of July BBQ.
It was so nice to enjoy our backyard with friends :)

Then we took the kids to the next step...

They LOVED these too!

Of course the fireworks just got bigger and better from there!

These two are trouble together ;)
... and I love them both!

Originally I had just bough glow-in-the-dark bracelets for the kids...

Rolli showing me his bracelets.

Popsicle-face-Vivian with her bracelets.

And then it got dark and the bracelets where no longer that cool.
So, like any responsible nurse/firefighter parents would do...
we gave our two-year-olds sparklers.

Burn to be just like his Daddy!

Michelle's sparkler show!

Vivian's crazy fast sparklers!

Now this is FUN!

Thanks Daddy for grilling and lighting our backyard fireworks!

This little family L-O-V-E-S fireworks!!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Safety Smarts

Marshall and I took the kids to Rocky Reach Dam today for Safety Smarts!
Granpi Roger met up with and the learning (fun!) started.
Our first stop was the Wenatchee Humane Society.
Rolli and Vivian said "hi" to a few kittens and dogs.
Then Vivian picked out this little puppy nose for her loot bag.

Of course Rolli had to stop at the "ROCK!"

We watched the "on duty weed mowing goats".
The Dam's organic method.

Next stop was the fire department!
Cool engine, too bad the kids didn't want to play in it.

The Fire Safety House!
It's never too early to teach your children about fire safety and escape plans.
Rolli and Vivian where brave little obedient kids.
They followed me right into the mini house and played along well.

Rolli and Vivian listening to the firefighter teach us about "staying low" in case of a fire.

Everyone on the floor where the clean air is!
The fake smoke was coming in the room and the smoke detector was going off.
Only one little girl panicked.
"Stay calm, think clearly, act decisively."
All the kids even climbed out the window and down the ladder to the firefighters.

I'd say it was a successful first EDITH house course for Rolli and Vivian.
Grandpa Rollin will be proud ;)

Granpi and Rolli watching the linemen talk about power line safety.

Vivian and Mommy listening to the important safety rules about power lines.

Vivian and Rolli in the bypass pipe.

Here they are meeting Ricky.
Ricky is this remote controlled robot demonstrating bike safety.

Ricky was way cool!

At the Sheriff's booth Rolli and Vivian tried on life jackets and got in the "big boat".

Daddy taking the kids on a canoe ride.
I think they were supposed to be learning about water craft safety.

Rolli saying "hi" to Chase, the bear and cougar dog.
Remember to be "Bear Aware".

"Whoa!  A cougar!"

Rolli with Smokey Bear sans the costume.
Because of the heat we missed Smokey by about a half hour.
Those bear suites can be HOT!
Next time Smokey, next time.

Here's to a safe weekend!