Happy 6 months Rolli and Vivian! The babies had their 6 month appointment today. They checked out healthy. Rollin weighs 14lbs 0.5oz and is 25 7/8 inches long. Vivian weighs 14lbs 1oz and is 25 inches long. They are just growing. Being babies. Loving life.
Here they are (at work with me on Saturday)... snuggled in their old favorite spot.
They used to stay in the boppy together nearly all day. Now it's a tight fit with both of them in it. And Vivian just spotted something of interest outside the boppy. She's leaving.
oh Rolli! 6 months and so happy to be alive. Sometimes he gets so excited (about what I'm not sure) that he just squeals. He is full of energy. Arms and legs moving. Ready to smile at anyone. He even smiles at Bella.
Some of his favorite things to do are drink milk, go for walks, snuggle with Mommy and Daddy, snuggle with a blankie, take a shower, play with Vivian, eat his toes, and poop his pants. What a baby! Love him!
Vivian sweetie-pea! Look at that face. She is Vivian. Anything and everything goes into her mouth. She'll even try a lick or two of dog fur if Bella lays close enough. Vivi is moving all over the place. Backwards, side-ways, in circles. But not forward yet. Sometimes she yells really very loudly.
Some of her favorite things to do are eating (even though she can't swallow well yet she loves food), talking with her toys, watching Bella or Sylvia, sleeping, sucking her two middle fingers, and exploring. Love her!
yep, Viv is putting anything within reach in her mouth and Rolli is smiling again.

Play time makes me happy.
Looking forward to the next 6 months and all that follows.